Saturday, January 08, 2005

"I'm Doggin' It" - Vince Carter's New Promotional Campaign

Budda, Bupp, Bupp, Baaa, I'm Doggin' It ..................

Press Release
Source: Major North American Newspapers and Sports Shows
Vince Carter Announces new endorsement deal with La-Z-Boy, Inc.
Saturday, January 08, 1:54 pm ET

With the "revelation" yesterday about Air Canada Carter's work effort while here in Toronto, it comes as no suprise to the King of Schmooze that this was the case

King of Schmooze, KOS to my friends and loyal subjects, is no stranger to competitive sports. I played basketball, volleyball, and baseball all through Jr. & Sr. Highschool, and played Varsity Basketball at Ryerson while at university. Having had the privilege to attend almost every Raptors' game in the past year and a half, it came as no suprise that VC was in fact "doggin' it" more often than not. Any experienced eye can just tell.

I read with great amusement about how VC, who by the way earns about $US 12 Million/yr, actually admitted to not giving it his all as a player over the last couple of years in Toronto. Well, as they say, the proof is in the pudding. The Raptors have had a couple of tough seasons, to put it mildly, and to have your top star admit to taking it easy on the court is shameful. I'm glad that the Raptors traded him and I'm sure that in retrospect, the trade will turn out to be positive for Toronto. One of the players we got in return, Eric Williams, is no Vince Carter in terms of talent/flash, but at least he is a team player who plays hard and thinks team first.

I can remember in my senior year of high-school getting so ticked off at my team-mates that I quit the team. I was tired of being on a team that no one took very seriously. You don't win games, let alone championships by "mailing in" your efforts. It takes hard work, focus, and desire in order to win. I didn't actually quit the team for more than a day, but I did want to make a statement. We didn't win any championships that year, but we did have a lot of fun because we played like a team.

I trust that the Raptors are moving in the right direction in terms of building a 'team' as opposed to a bunch of individuals. Teams win, not individuals. Look at the Boston Red Sox this past baseball season, the New England Patriots, the Toronto Argonauts.

Now, if we could only teach Rafael Araujo to dunk fiercely instead of these sissy layups he does under the basket. A guy that big and strong should be throwing things down.

As for me, I'm on my way out to buy me a La-Z-Boy recliner.

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