Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Political Ambitions

King of Schmooze with then Conservative candidate, now Liberal Minister of Human Resources Development, Belinda Stronach Posted by Hello

To quote current Prime Minister Paul Martin, "Let me be perfectly clear ....... ", this is not an opinion relating to politics. This is an opinion about politics.

Being from royal stock, the King of Schmooze does not hold any political affiliations. However, I have friends & aquaintances that are Conservative, Liberal, conservative, liberal, Socialis ..... er maybe not them, and even a Commie Pinko ......... finally Darin ..... you're in The King's Edict!!

My point is, even though I can become very passionate about certain viewpoints (mostly common sense ones), KOS has risen above the political 'mucking about' that seems to turn the nicest people into drone like automatons. I just find it wastes too much of my precious
"schmo-jo" that I can be using for the greater good of Schmooze.

The point that KOS is trying to make is this: don't stab people in the back. On the road to victory, many people are there to assist you. Whether they are aware of it or not. Always take the time to acknowledge the little things people do (not the little people), and don't forget the part of their 'schmo-jo' that they've invested in you.

Obviously, the current case of 'political ambition' we are witnessing seems to have forgotten this simple truth. But hey, it's politics and..... "the game's afoot!"

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