Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Day 2006

So, KOS is in St. Catharines visiting with the parents for Christmas. KOS prefers to call the period between Dec. 24-26 "Christmas, but you can call it whatever you so desire.

It's always a great time of the year as far as KOS is concerned, mostly because people have the chance to basically "do nothing". It's too bad that people don't take advantage of a time of year where they can just sit back and veg.

KOS actually prefers to ,avoid big events with lots of people. I just prefer to sit back and recharge my batteries with no distractions. Maybe get some Chinese food (Thank God for Confuscious!), sit back and watch the traditional Christmas Day NBA game and rent some DVD's.

Being at my parents house I can sit back, watch movies, relax, and remember what it was like being a kid. Not that I'm not a kid at heart, but just embracing the memories of the carefree life you have as a kid.

I'm not sure what the time between Dec. 24-26 means to you, but that's pretty much what it means to KOS. No need for presents, no need for turkey ......... just time to wind down after a busy year.


Friday, November 17, 2006

The Very Sexy Christmas Show

No, this show will not hosted by Borat.

So, we'll have to make do with 'plain old' Nicole Arbour, who according to a recent article in the Toronto Sun is 'The World's Sexiest Comedian'

The Very Sexy Christmas Show, takes the makings of a classic, old-time, Holiday Variety Show, then turns up the heat!

Hosted by Nicole Arbour, "The World's Sexiest Comedian", as named by the Toronto SUN, and as seen on TSN, Raptors TV, and Much Music.

Featuring the comedic stylings of:

Kevin Herod as seen on The Comedy Network, and from Much Music's #1 HIT SHOW "Video On Trial" Andrew Johnston, Ron Josol, and Dini Dimakos.

With Special Guests:The Very Sexy Dancers, Aradia Fitness, circus acts, and more!


The King of Schmooze invites you to join him for a fun night out at the Diesel Playhouse on Blue Jay Way on Dec. 14, 2006. We have a special group rate for tickets of $20/each + tx. (reg. $27/each).

Please drop KOS a line at , or call 416.234.8463 if you're interested in joining in on the Very Sexy Festivities!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Catch Live at Lee's Palace!!

Hey fellow Schmoozers!

One of KOS's favourite Rock N' Roll personalities and the band will be hitting Lee's Palace on Thurs. Nov. 30. Cover is $5.00

Fresh off a guest appearance with former Skid Row frontman, and recent member of VH1's 'Supergroup' reality show, Sebastian Bach ........... Darrell 'Dwarf' Millar and the boys of will be cranking it hard two weeks from now!

Hope to see you there!

KOS or 416.234.8463

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Matt Humphreys Band @ C'est What!

Wednesday, September 13th
Matt Humphreys with Andrew Austin

Where: C'est What! Cost: $5

Join KOS at C'est What for some great new music by my friend Matt Humphreys and his band, and one of the best selections of draft beer in Toronto.

The night will begin at 9 p.m. with an opening set by Toronto artist Andrew Austin at 9:30 p.m.
Matt takes the stage promptly at 10:30 p.m.

Cover is just $5 so make sure to come out and support Matt's FIRST headlining show at one of Toronto's best live music venues.

Friday, September 01, 2006

He's No Superman!

James Marsden, Brandon Routh, and Kate Bosworth in Warner Bros. 'Superman Returns'

Look! Up in the Sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's James Marsden!

So, it's not to often that one gets to meet a real live 'Superman', but the King of Schmooze came pretty darn close on Aug. 15/06. Just stopping off at the mid-town palace I was greated by giddy servers and bartenders saying, "Cyclops is here!"

Now I'm thinking, "That's not a nice thing to say about 'Insert Name Here'!" but they're actually talking about James Marsden the actor. He did play Scott Summers/Cyclops in the X-Men movies which is where most people recognized him from. So I'm thinking, "Ok, so how hot is Famke Janssen now Jimmy!?".

So being the intrepid news hound that I am, well actually the shameless self-promoter who needs content for my blog .......... but I digress........ I head downstairs to the Library Bar at Hemingways to saddle up to the bar and listen to Jimmy regale the female staff members (who were finished working) with stories of his acting prowess.

Needless to say I didn't want to get in the middle of that so I just stayed off to the side and watched baseball highlights on The Score. I did manage to buy Mr. Marsden a pint of Hooegarden, which is what he was drinking. We then got into a brief conversation about baseball and the Boston Red Sox.

So enough of the bombast! All that to say 'The King of Schmooze is back in the building!'. As we approach the Sept. 7/06 launch of the Toronto International Film Festival, I thought it best to get the creative saliva flowing again. Just to remind people that I am the King of Schmooze!

Monday, June 12, 2006

King of Schmooze's Sunday Report

Photograph by : Brent Foster, National Post

World Cup Soccer - Hemingways is official bar of The Netherlands

I'll admit it is kind of strange to see a bar in Yorkville, owned by a Kiwi, that is flying the flag of The Netherlands. But it is true, Hemingways at 142 Cumberland is sporting two Netherlands flags out front, where the Canadian and American flags once flew.

They have games showing from 9 AM daily during the preliminary rounds, and The Netherlands play on the following days:

Friday, June 16th - Netherlands vs Ivory Coast - 12pm

Wednesday, June 21st - Netherlands vs Argentina - 10am

For complete listing of games you can watch, go to and click on events.

You can also read the full story that appeared in the National Post on Sat. June 3, 2006 here

Was that Rick Mercer or was I just dreaming ..................................

So, thought i should get back into the swing of things ....... being a monarch and all. There's only so much time in the day though which sometimes makes posting here a bit of a trick.

Well, the KOS was having a casual stroll through Yorkville on Sunday after the Jays' 10-5 loss to the Detroit Tigers when I decided to stop in at my downtown residence, , and see what was going on.

I was out having a chat on the Shotover Bar's patio with my friend David C., when what to my wondering eyes should appear but Rick Mercer of 'The Rick Mercer Report'. Although he didn't have 8 tiny reindeer, it was cool to see him out and about. And after reading in last month's Toronto Life magazine about what he get's paid to do the Rick Mercer Report, I was kind of disappointed that he didn't buy the house a round. Oh well, next time Rick. Next time.

By the way, you can check out his show here , or his blog here . Truly a funny Canadian. He will be awarded the Order of Canada someday. You read that here first, by the way.

Speaking of the Shotover Bar at Hemingways ............... Martin, is there anyway we can put a kibosh on the new "Max Fire" jukebox while we are trying to watch the Stanley Cup finals, or the World Cup ............ or any other important sporting event for that matter? It would make alot of the 'regs' very happy.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Join the Boycott!!

Coming Soon!

Tired of B-List Hollywood Actors telling you how to think?

Cynical about Billionaire rock-stars with nothing better to do , or Glamour Girls who spend more on 'asthetic enhancements' during a year than some East Coast Canadians earn, while preaching about so called 'barbaric' economic activities that help to enhance these same East Coast Canadians living on subsistence income while raising millions of dollars for self-serving 'moral authorities'?

Feel betrayed by rock stars who feel they can bypass your city, and stll expect you to spend your hard-earned money on their books and CD'S?

Do you find you lack a voice to protest government waste, corporate maleficence, or just plain bad customer service?

Well, your time is coming soon!